Sleep No More is an incredible production: an immersive live performance staged on an expansive five story set inhabiting New York’s abandoned McKittrick Hotel [I have been informed that the bit about the set being built out of an abandoned hotel is just PR fluff… SNM actually takes place in a warehouse scratch built to look like an old hotel. The more you know]. I don’t need to sing its praises. Other folks have done so amply, effusively, and more successfully in other formats. Just Google it.

I saw it live a few months ago, and it’s stuck with me. I especially liked that I got to keep the mask I viewed the entire performance through. Being a rebel, I brought along a sharpie so I could give it incredulous eyebrows. Fuck the police.
I thought it would be fun to get more folks in on the action and share my favorite part of the experience, so I teamed up with the impossibly amazing Numidas Prasarn to scan, assemble, and release a life size 3d print ready version of the Sleep No More mask. So, here it is, on Thingiverse and ready to be played with. I intend to shrink it down into little Lego man helmets when I get the chance.