MAKE: Soft Robotics is Here!

After years of building projects, testing designs, writing, and editing, MAKE: Soft Robotics is ready to hit shelves! It’s available on presale from Amazon and is scheduled to go live Dec 23. I can now officially say I’m an O’Reilly author, and that I literally wrote the book on soft robotics.

This book was a lot of work, but I’m already thinking of more projects to share what I’ve learned about soft robotics, weird fabrication, and 3d printing. I’m also considering releasing some of the designs that didn’t make the final cut of the book into the open source so people can compare different takes on the same basic ideas.

There are so many people to thank for supporting me along the way, from Brian Jepson who first asked me to write for MAKE, to Shayna Gentiluomo for believing in me even when I had a few hundred editorial comments waiting for replies. It’s thrilling to be on the other end of a few years of work on a single project and hold the results in my hands.