It’s interesting seeing friends from long ago reaching that age where they become the people that they’re going to be for the rest of their lives. I’m seeing people unfold, becoming adventurers, business owners, makers, builders, and thinkers. It’s exciting.

To wit, a high school friend, Sean O’Toole has opened a hat store on the Lower East Side of Manhattan: Pork Pie Hatters. Having come from a haberdashing household, he’s well suited to owning his own hat shop. Upon reconnecting with him after a few years completely out of touch, I discovered he was in want of a maker.

Sean commissioned me to design a custom door for his shop complete with old world apothecary style signage. I was happy to oblige. After some tense negotiations with various door sellers, some shipping delays, and a foray down hand sign lettering the finished product is strapped to the top of my car and awaiting delivery Friday. I’m excited to see it on the shop.
I ended up going with vinyl lettering for the final signage, but you can see a time lapse of me painting the letters myself below. I wasn’t entirely happy with the results, so they had to go. It was fun trying, though.