Epic Movie Beaver

Many of you may not know this, but I spent a few years working in the movie FX industry. Specifically, I made animatronic props and movie monsters for films like AVP:Requiem, Snakes on a Plane, and Epic Movie. Interestingly a mini documentary just came out profiling the studio “Mark Rappaport’s Creature FX” and my beaver prop from Epic Movie’s featured about halfway through! It’s kind of exciting as I never actually saw Epic Movie and never had much of a chance to see the finished prop in action. Video after the jump.

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QuahogCon’s Closing Keynote

Some months back I gave the closing keynote at QuahogCon. It was an overview of the digital manufacture techniques available today focusing on 3d printing. I gave detailed information on how to interface with them, what properties different techniques impart, and how to generate geometry.

You can find an audio recording of the presentation here. You can also download my resources (containing links to artists, 3d printing companies, software tools, and awesome projects) here. You can also find my presentation’s visuals on Prezi.

Digitally Fabricated Goggles

These digitally fabricated steampunk goggles took over a year of tinkering, procrastinating, and experimentation to build. I started with the metal pieces, designing them in Solidworks and cutting out waxes on a CNC milling machine over at Tech Shop SF. From there, parts were cast in bronze at a place called JR Casting. I designed all the leather parts in Illustrator, creating cut-out paper models to test the design as it became more refined. Then all the cut patterns were sent off to Ponoko to get laser cut in leather. After that, it was a couple evenings of dyeing, painting, stitching, and sweating to get everything together. You can see an album featuring progress shots of the goggles coming together here.

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