MAKEzine Interview Postscript

Recently I was interviewed by Make Magazine for their series Meet the Makers. You can listen to the podcast here. What follows is some extra links, photos, and resources that help illustrate the projects I mentioned in the interview.

I was incredibly flattered when Mark Frauenfelder asked me if I wanted to be one of the makers interviewed for the MAKE Podcast. I jumped at the chance. Now, having concluded the interview just a few minutes ago I wanted to share some links to the projects I mentioned, offer up a little further reading, and provide downloads for the open source designs I alluded to during my chat with Mark.

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Pillow Mace Aftermath

I’d like to thank everyone who took a shine to my Pillow Mace. The pillow fight was tremendous, fun, and a wee bit terrifying. Just after the cops inspected my mace and gave me the go-ahead to enter the baraccaded pillow fighting zone someone yelled “He’s got a Pillow Mace… Get him!” That pretty much sums up the fight for me. I spent most of it bent double under the weight of hammering pillows. After about ten minutes of punishment I was deeply in need of an exit

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