Transmet Panorama

Now that the Transmetropolitan Art Book has been out for a good long while, I’d like to show you my contribution to its majesty.

So, I started with some brainstorming sessions with some friends. The initial idea was to deface a WalMart with some black paint, sticking 3rd eyes on every goddamn smiley face we could find. That idea was quickly chucked out in favor of some kind of massive graffiti installation, trying to recreate a portion of the future San Franciscan landscape right here in good ‘ol modern day New York.

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T-Rex Skulls

Everybody loves T-Rex, though the mix of tender admiration and outright fear can get a bit muddy at times. If you prefer your Tyrannosaurus dead, as opposed to roaming free during a tropical storm on a dinosaur island, you may care for these little T-Rex Skull pendants, cufflinks, earrings, and rings. They’re fancy and completely immune to the effects of chaos theory.

Remember the days of the enormous terrible lizards.

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Pillow Mace Aftermath

I’d like to thank everyone who took a shine to my Pillow Mace. The pillow fight was tremendous, fun, and a wee bit terrifying. Just after the cops inspected my mace and gave me the go-ahead to enter the baraccaded pillow fighting zone someone yelled “He’s got a Pillow Mace… Get him!” That pretty much sums up the fight for me. I spent most of it bent double under the weight of hammering pillows. After about ten minutes of punishment I was deeply in need of an exit

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Sleek and Destroy

I’ve just opened up a store called Sleek and Destroy. I’m filling it with awesome, stylish, nerdy goodies. I’m starting out by releasing a new laser cut piece every week. Currently you can find a selection of jewelry featuring Guy Fawkes, the iconic symbol of the shadowy hacker group Anonymous, and some utterly incredible raptors. They’ll make you want to don a white suit, complete with Colnel Sanders beard, and found your own dinosaur island.

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